ITJ Episode 06
In the sixth episode of the Inside the Journey podcast John & Nelson continue their talk with Margaret E. Ward author of Missing Mila, Finding Family. She talks about the history of El Salvador and her thoughts on the film.
Show Notes
- a conversation about context for importance of including understanding of these events to historical memory … set context for violence of Civil War (i.e. setting the scene for a North American audience). complex, but also jarring to audience like scene from Argo. 2 readings- story of Mama Chila's father's death p. 116 The story of how Eva got her name. p 118.
- conversation transitions to relevance to our world today. segue into Guatemala today. … the importance of looking back at these events, even all these years later. 3 discussion topics to bring in … This american life piece on Dos Erres and Oscar Alfredo Ramírez Castañeda ... overturning of verdict from genocide trial of Rios Montt ...Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina.
- Hosts - Nelson de Witt & John Younger
- Producer - Mark Kornweibel
- Editor(s) - Nelson de Witt