ITJ Episode 46 English
To commemorate El Salvador Day of the Disappeared, March 29th, John & Nelson are airing a speech made in 2011 by former President Mauricio Funes. While the speech is in Spanish, they provide commentary on it for our English-speaking audience.

ITJ Episode 46 Espanol
El Discurso de Conmemoración del Día Dedicado a las Niñas y Niños Desaparecidos, Mauricio Funes en el año 2011, donde se disculpa por las atrocidades cometidas durante la Guerra civil.
Show Notes
- View Speech on YouTube
- Episode #2: Where we are with the film? (Part 1)
- Episode #40: Act III, FMLN Arena
- Hosts - Nelson de Witt & John Younger
- Producer - Lindsay Welch
- Editor(s) - Nelson de Witt